Winter settles in

The winter has settled in after a stretch of very cold days it is at what I would call seasonable temperatures, Teens at night and twenties during the day. The daylight is around for almost an hour more each say so even though it is cold the days do not feel as dreary. Argy and I both commented on the pleasant afternoon light this weekend. If only we had a little more snow for some cross-country skiing or snowshoeing.

I did take a walk out back to see where my neighbor’s woodcutting is taking place. I had seen the skidder on the side of the road and once in a while could hear it running but did not know exactly where they were working. It has been a very difficult winter for the loggers as the ground did not freeze until very recently keeping them out of many woodlots that require the ground to be frozen to minimize soil being rutted or compacted. After last week I’m sure that the ground is pretty well frozen everywhere.

All of the ponds are now buttoned up with ice as well so the ice fisherman are out in force after being kept on shore most of the month. I wonder if the late arrival of winter means that it will stay longer in April and May.

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