Fishing on the First Day of Spring!

This stretch of weather feels unnatural. Very warm and pleasant for March. The ice is gone from Seven Tree and Round Ponds. I arrived back at the office from Augusta to seventy degrees, no breeze and bright sunshine. Not a day for office work!

Fortunately many of our lakes and ponds are now open to fishing year round no more waiting until April 1 if the conditions are perfect like this afternoon. I pulled the Lund Alaskan from its winter resting place, loaded the needed safety equipment, attached the new registration stickers and rounded up a couple of fishing rods. By 3PM I was launched and on my way up into Round Pond. Northern Pike have been illegally introduced into this drainage and early spring is the best time to catch big ones. So I am on the hunt.

The water temperature ranged from 42 to 47 depending on location (I fished mostly shallow weedy coves). No fish were captured in an hour and a half or so but it was great to be out and the day was glorious! The warm weather is also quite dry and the river is at a very low level for this early in the season. Summer could be interesting.

The forecast has us warm until Friday; with luck I can get another afternoon free and spend a little more time making the best of it.

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