Kids Make Their Case at the Maine Legislature

My winter is filled with meetings and legislative hearings for the Maine Professional Guides Association. Once in a while something notable comes up and the press is there. A couple of weeks ago a group of students from the Spruce Mountain School came to make their case to provide every junior hunter the chance to shoot an antlerless deer. They were very well spoken and presented their case calmly to the committee.

Unfortunately for me I had been instructed to oppose the bill and spoke first, nothing like having to oppose a room full of articulate kids. I talked about putting the resource first and how important it is to instruct future generations on conservation including the rules that we govern ourselves by to be sure that fish and wildlife populations are improved. Needless to say a tough afternoon you can read the reporters version here No fun to have to say no to the kids on this one.

Oh yes the committee voted Ought not to Pass on the bill yesterday in a close vote following an interesting discussion.

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