Long Term Trends

Visitor data for the North Maine Woods over the last fifteen years recently crossed my desk. The trends are troubling to someone who considers it important for everyone to spend time outdoors. The numbers of deer hunters experienced a steep decline which you would expect given the condition of the deer herd in the north. The number of bear hunters is still declining even though the bear population is high and we are now trying to figure ways to reduce the population is many areas. Numbers of grouse and moose hunters are bright spots. I expect because of high populations of both and an increased number of moose permits issued.

The most troubling numbers to me are the camping, fishing and extended canoe trip numbers that after a long decline seem stuck or are still dropping. When as a society we are not getting outdoors enough. I think that one thing affecting those numbers is our collective lack of time. Everyone is too busy and does not dare take much time off. I am no different, it is normal for me to do at least some work on the weekends (like today) and always in the evenings even though my days start at 5AM.

Trips to the North Woods take days for travel that folks simply do not have. Maine Outdoors offers trips in accessible areas of the state (near the coastal cities of Rockland, Rockport and Camden) that in many ways provide the North Woods experience without the extended travel. Trips are either 3 or 6 hours long to make them short enough. It is interesting and I think related that a client asked for even shorter trips last summer. Could I do a 2 hour fishing experience for them?

I can’t imagine shortening trips further but maybe I will have to. Where do you think this is all headed?

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