Returning to Normal

Our winter viewTemperatures have moderated and the snowpack is cut down after the rain on Monday. We are back to a normal winter with cold, snow and bright sunny days. The “polar vortex” that all of the weather folks went on about was a cold snap pure and simple. Yes we had temperatures as low as -20 and yes we had plenty of snow and ice in December and early January but this is Maine and it gets cold in the winter and it does snow.

I have a new weather station with a screen on my desk that reports all of the interesting information on the weather. On the coldest days I think all of that makes it seem colder. Of course the days are already noticeably longer but my most striking observation is the sun rising a little further to the north each day. Soon it will be coming up over Pleasant Mountain on its way to rising far enough to the east that we can’t see it through the trees.

My winter “meeting season” is off to a running start with trips to Augusta at least three days a week. Plenty going on to keep this part of my life interesting. Summer is on its way and soon I will be back in the Maine Outdoors every day.

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