Season Winding Down

Raining and windy this afternoon nothing like the beautiful afternoon in the picture. Not as much rain as predicted but still a damp and dreary day. The wind is out of the northeast adding to the chill. The sort of day that lets you know another season is drawing to a close. I have been to Libby Camps a few times and squeezed in a few fishing trips including a successful striper trip very close to the middle of the month. The latest I have ever caught stripers in the Saint George.

The freshwater always goes out with a bang and this fall did not disappoint. I had clients looking to catch pike and had them casting much larger lures than I usually use. Much to my (and their) surprise several big bass were eager for an offering of that size. Oh and a few pike as well. Water temperatures were still in the low 60’s very unusual for this late in the year.

Over the next few weeks, I will finish at Libby Camps and schedule November fishing trips on good weather days. Still there is no denying that my season is winding down. This has been a great season with lots of firsts and many new friends. I’m already looking forward to getting on the water again in the spiring even as I squeeze the last few trips into this season.


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