Showy Spring

This spring sure has come on quickly, it always does but I have been so busy that I think it snuck up on me. I fished last evening on Alford Lake over in Hope and the shad bush or service berry is in full bloom. A non-descript shrub of about 15 feet it really stands out right now with it’s bright white  flowers along the shore of the ponds. The leaves on the beach trees popped out last night with the rain and for the first time since last fall I can’t see into the woods from the office window.

The fishing was not great but still a half dozen smallmouth bass to the boat in an hour and a half. The water is still cold in Alford and the fish were reluctant to take the streamer I was offering. I missed easily twice as many fish as I hooked. The most enjoyable thing was seeing the fish; in that clear water it was easy to see the fish stalk and then hit the fly. I know so how did you miss so many. Did I mention that the shadbush is in full bloom along the shore and was distracting?

I loaded the boat and headed home as soon as the rain started but I know that I will be back soon to take advantage of the smallmouth spawning behavior that will begin as the water warms.

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