Smallmouth Bass Are on the Move

Last evening was spent on a local pond known for its trout fishing. The day had been warm and the breeze seemed to be dying out. My plan was to catch a few trout on dry flies as the shadows lengthened. The bugs arrived on schedule but only a few fish were showing so I moved into the shallows to look for a few smallmouth bass before the trout got underway.

At first no luck at all then I tied on a black ghost streamer and fished with a long pause in the retrieve. Things changed for the better. A dozen smallmouth bass of three pounds or better in the next hour, with no small fish until it got very near dark.

Trying for the trout again just at dark I fooled only one little one. Certainly not what I had planned for the evening still great news because the smallmouth are on the move and will be on the spawning beds in a week or so. Some of my favorite fishing of the season will be here in the next couple of weeks.

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