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Wednesday is the first day of spring and to demonstrate that mother nature has a sense of humor we are forecast to have a foot of new snow tomorrow. The temperature this morning was eight degrees. Winter is not giving up easily this year.

Early spring is an awkward time of year in mid coast Maine. The snow is almost gone (until tomorrow that is), the ice on the ponds has gotten too soft to trust and many days are still pretty cold. I noticed yesterday that the daffodils on the lawn are almost an inch high clearly they are thinking that spring is coming.

Outside activities are sort of limited as we transition to the new season with summer not far off. One of the regular events of early spring is the Maine Professional Guides Association Annual Banquet. Always a great time and this year Tim Sample Maine author and humorist will be our speaker.

The banquet is held at Jeff's Catering in Brewer Maine on April 13 starting at 5:30 PM. The event usually has 200 or so of Maine's best guides, legislators and friends of the organization. As always the Legendary Maine Guide Award will be presented by the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

I hope that you can join us for an evening of good fun!

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