

Thirty-five degrees this morning with the wind in the southwest. It has been very cold since late December with several mornings in the range of twenty below zero. We have had plenty of snow. A good old-fashioned winter here in Maine. Although records were broken for lowest high temperatures and the longest stretch below fifteen degrees. Still the winter skies have been as clear and blue as they always are.

Cold you say?

Yes, it has been cold here and there is not really a break in sight at least for the next ten days or so. This is the sort of weather that clients imagine we have all winter. Truth is that while this is not record-breaking cold it will be notable for its duration. How cold is it?

Quiet today

It is snowing this afternoon; not really a surprise it is after all December in Maine. The thing that is notable though is the quiet. I have nearly cleared my list of things to do for the year but e-mail is trickling in compared to normal and the phone has rung twice all day. Making this a nice quiet day in the office getting out the client holiday cards.


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