
I have five days in Maine, what should I do?

Recently I have been talking with folks planning their summer vacations; some of them first time visitors to Maine or even the United States. The question is always similar “you know the state and spend a lot of time in the outdoors where would you visit on a five day holiday?” Fair question and I have given it some thought; please understand that I have left out some excellent places because even with five days there is just not enough time to see or visit it all.

So let’s map out our five day whirlwind.

Another sign of the warm winter.

Just how warm it has been this winter was driven home this morning when my neighbors called.  They asked if I thought we should cancel the kid’s ice fishing event we have planned for this coming Saturday. There is only eight inches of ice on Seven Tree Pond and the weather forecast is for warm rain towards the end of the week. That scant ice cover indicates how warm it has been this winter. We usually have a couple of feet of ice for this event and have had even more some winters.


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