
Ice In

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After last weeks snowstorm we had strong winds out of the northwest for three days and cold temperatures. Last night the wind died down but the cold persisted. This morning when I went down the hill Seven Tree and Round Ponds were both ice covered. Clear hard ice that I am sure you could see through (if it would hold you) formed under perfectly still conditions and without snow to cloud it. I am sure that the wind and cold had really cooled the water on the surface of the ponds and that the ice came quickly as soon as the wind died down after sunset last night.

What a storm!

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Today’s storm started slowly. In fact Argy and I went for a long walk this morning before it started to snow. We crested the ridge and you could see the snow falling in the distance. Not too far away maybe in Jefferson, in only a few minutes flakes were falling around us. By the time we returned home it was snowing pretty hard. After many phone calls and e-mails it was clear that my meetings for the day were cancelled. A found day in the office!

Critter Tracks

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We had a few inches of snow on Sunday another dusting last night and are forecast to have another storm tomorrow. Temperatures turned colder and freezing is now a high for the day rather than something it might do overnight. In fact I put the heated water buckets in the kennel yesterday since the buckets had stopped thawing during the day. After a long warm fall winter is here.


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