
Goldenrod, Asters and Goldfinches

Our great stretch of September weather continues, clear blue skies, cool nights and warm days. A great time of year to get out and fish or explore. Clients from around the country have taken advantage of the great weather this week. Changes in the flowers are noticeable this week. Purple and white wild asters began to show in the roadside ditches this week and goldenrod is everywhere. The young goldfinches are out flying with their parents we have a small flock here in the yard.


Just to prove that I am not perfect. Yesterday morning I picked up my clients at the Samoset Resort and headed to Megunticook Lake in Camden for a morning of bass fishing. Everything pretty normal, pleasant clients and perfect September weather. I pulled into the parking lot and made ready to launch. When I went to put the drain plug in the stern it would not tighten. I removed it and tried to make an adjustment with my pliers. The bolt in the center of the plug simply broke off.

Nice Bass

Noah our oldest son is home for a few days between the end of his summer job and the start of classes at the College of the Atlantic next week. We took a couple of hours and went fishing one afternoon. Actually my school of perch had changed where they were hanging out and I Noah with big largemouthneeded to look for them. At any rate Noah caught this bass on our outing. A very nice fish anywhere. Oh by the way I know why the perch moved out of this cove!


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