
Guide Small Business Seminar Changes

Saturday was the most recent guide small business seminar. Attendance we light and there were several last minute cancellations. I prefer a bigger group as it generates a wider range of discussions and topics. Still I enjoyed the day very much and am certain that the folks attending learned more than enough to justify spending a cold winter day indoors and paying the registration fee. As always the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine Conference center was perfect for the seminar.

Fish and Wildlife Funding

As a working guide, someone who has appreciated wildlife all of his life and bought hunting and fishing licenses since he was old enough. I am troubled by two debates that are about to happen. Both of them surround licenses for hunting and fishing. One is a fee increase for hunting and fishing licenses (article in the Portland Press Herald) and the second is requiring a license to fish in salt water.

Back to Snowy Normal

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After a week of temperatures that were very cold, as low as ten below zero at night and up to the low single numbers during the day. A snowstorm yesterday and last night left us with another sixteen inches of fresh snow. Today we are back to more seasonable temperatures with highs in the twenties and plenty of sunshine. The forecast for the coming week has settled weather with sun and normal temperatures which feel like spring after last week. Argy and I took some time this afternoon to snowshoe and ski to enjoy the pleasant weather and fresh powder.



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