
More Snow!

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Saturday was another snowstorm in a nearly record setting winter for us. The recent storm puts nearly every town from Bangor south at around 100 inches for the season.  As I understand it this is the 5th snowiest winter on record and we still have March and April to go yet. I also saw that Concord NH has set a record for the snowiest winter since they have been keeping track.

Childrens Story for Hunters

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Over the years I have become aware of the contributions that hunters have made to the conservation of our wildlife and open spaces. Over a hundred years ago now it was hunters who recognized that wildlife was diminishing and that something needed to be done. The current system of wildlife management funded by hunters has resulted in an amazing turnaround in wildlife abundance in this country. Granted there are still species that we all are concerned about, and things to work on; but overall things are much better today than they were at the turn of the last century.

Pike in Seven Tree Pond!

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Last Saturday was the annual kids ice fishing event sponsored by my neighbors in memory of their son. It was a great success with a great turnout. It was one of those events where I was thinking there was not much of a turnout. When I was way out on the ice setting a tip up for a child I turned and looked back and realized that there were easily a hundred people on the ice. We had an eagle watch the proceedings for a good part of the day which added to the positive atmosphere. I have not heard the final tally of attendance but apparently we went through 20 pounds of hot dogs.


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