
A good chance to give my opinion!

I served as a member of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife waterfowl working group. This group is formed of folks interested in the future of Maine ’s waterfowl populations. There were about fifteen of us and as you might imagine the room was filled with a range of opinions. Everyone was there with the best interest of Maine’s ducks and geese and the future but each person brought a different focus or location to the table which made the discussions lively and interesting. I was not jealous of the facilitator who had to try and keep us on topic and productive.

Not so fast with the early spring talk!

The lawn is green again the crocuses have almost gone by and the row of daffodils along the stone wall is in full bloom. The grouse are drumming in the woodlot every afternoon and the woodcock are twittering up into the sky every evening. There can be no doubt that spring is here for a fact. Although the weather is in one of those drizzly cold stretches that we have in the spring. I have put almost as much wood into the stove as on a winter day.

Suddenly in a hurry

I always forget that spring comes in a rush in Northern New England. Seems like only a few days ago there were snow flurries and now there is green grass, daffodils and crocuses. Of course there is still the chance of a little snow but it gets less every day and the ground is getting so warm that it should not amount to much.


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