
Wintry Mix This Morning!

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Freezing rain, snow and sleet this morning but it is forecast to be all rain by afternoon. The wind is out of the southeast at fifteen or so, a cold and damp uncomfortable day by any measure. A great day to be working inside luckily I am in the office most of the day working on a few projects. The bird feeder is full and attracting a crowd of chickadees filling up before the storm really gets going.

Skiing at Acadia National Park

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Yesterday Argy and I drove to Bar Harbor and spent the day skiing with our son in Acadia National Park. After the cold and clear week we enjoyed a warm and cloudy day. Many people were out on the trails skiing and snowshoeing. In the distance we could hear snowmobilers enjoying the day as well. We skied for about four hours and had a great time. On that heavily used trail there were surprising signs of wildlife. We saw fox and coyote tracks, squirrel tracks and two places where mink had crossed the trail.

Winter Wonderland

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December was a very snowy month here and January seems to be following the same theme. Without going through each storm of the last couple of weeks there is nearly three feet of snow on the ground this morning. Most of it is soft and fluffy not able to hold up even my widest snowshoes. I snow shoed for a while yesterday and sank down at least a foot even with the snowshoes on but it was great to be out. Only Woody the golden retriever tagged along but even he tired quickly in the deep snow. Interestingly he sank up to his chest even in my tracks.


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