Annual Governors Conference on Tourism

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Just back from the annual Governor’s Conference on Tourism I have not missed this event many times in the last 15 years. This year was interesting and thought provoking as they usually are and I came back with a list of things I need to do and try. It figures now that my calendar has started to fill and time gets a little scarcer.

One aspect of the conference that I enjoy is connecting with individuals I don’t see frequently but have worked with over the years. One of those folks is Hilary Nangle who writes a great travel blog mostly on Maine locations that is on my list of regular reads, I recommend that you take a look. I’m sure that you will find it a great way to learn more about restaurants and attractions in Maine. I wish I had time to visit all of the places she gets to go.

I also talked with Jay Friedlander who had been on the board of the Maine Tourism Association with me and is now the Chair of Green and Socially Responsible Business at the College of the Atlantic. We are currently discussing dates for me to come in and speak to one of his classes this spring. Interesting I had suggested a similar offering to Unity College some time ago. I can’t wait to speak to the class and hear their questions.

So look for more changes to Maine Outdoors web presence over the next few months based on some of what I learned yesterday and to hear stories of what the connections bring .

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