Black Swan

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I have been reading The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb for the last week or so. It is an interesting idea given the recent economic turmoil.  For a description of the idea visit this link in Wikipedia


I am wondering what the Black Swan could be in my way of thinking about Maine Outdoors. Is there something that could come out of the blue and affect me positively or negatively? The answer is of course there is. But the big question is what might it be?

Is there an opportunity that I am missing? Or a way to think about what I do differently that would make it more successful? Of course more success might not mean more sales, it could be more enjoyable trips for both my clients and me. Or a way of reducing costs that would make some of my overhead disappear.

Or is there something lurking that could simply torpedo everything? Global warming that comes on quickly? Or perhaps a law or regulatory change that makes doing business much more expensive or completely impossible.

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