Fall in the Air Today

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Today we have been treated to a brisk northwest breeze and beautiful clear skies. You can tell that as soon as the sun starts toward the horizon that the temperature will drop. Fall is definitely on the way and the October upland season will be here soon. I am looking forward to spending time in the big woods at Libby Camps with the dogs enjoying the great October weather.

I had some time this morning to take Copper in the woods. She spent three months with Joe Mc Carl at Hard Driving Kennels getting steadier on her birds. She seems to have made some great progress but still has a lot to learn. Sometimes it is hard to be patient enough.

Chris Mathan of the Sportsman’s Cabinet took some excellent pictures of the dogs being trained there this summer. To see some of her images of hard working dogs visit the slide show of course images number 2 and 21 are my favorites.

All of this really means that I better get to work on cutting up, splitting and stacking the firewood for next winter or else I’ll be finishing the job in the snow.

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