First Fishing Trip

I am still trying out the new Lund Alaskan and making sure that everything works as it should before my season really gets underway. To do that I thought that I would take advantage of the warm afternoon that we were having today. I launched the boat in Seven Tree pond and after an initial mishap (left the plug out when I launched, really good news the bilge pump works like a charm) I spent an hour or so bass fishing.

The day was warm with not much of a breeze so moving along the shore casting a plug was a snap with the trolling motor. (I am starting to get the hang of using it) To my complete surprise I actually caught four bass the smallest was 2 ½ pounds and the largest just under 4 pounds. Not a bad couple of hours to be sure. In fact the best spot I found had several bass competing to take my plug unfortunately I did not realize what they were hiding under until I had put the boat right over top of it. Next time I’ll know better.

An excellent couple of hours on the water.  The best part of the story is that I had told someone who wanted to book an afternoon of fishing this week that I did not expect the fishing to be much good given the weather we were having three weeks ago. So I can’t see the future better than anyone else!

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