Megunticook Lake

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I have been on Megunticook Lake in Camden much more this year. Partly due to Ken Bailey having some health problems and filling in for him and another guide. Partly due to clients requesting to go there and finally liking what I saw. First let me state up front that in the high summer on a nice day it is way too busy for my taste. But on a September day with only a couple of other boats it was an absoulte delight. Even in the gale we had today it was still possible to find places to get out of the wind and cast a fly to bass.


The day started gloomy with fog and high humidity, wind strong out of the south but by lunch the wind was in the west and the sky was clear. My client and I sat at a picnic table and enjoyed lunch with Mount Megunticook as a background surrounded by a brilliant blue sky. Pretty much a perfect Maine scene with ideal temperatures, tomorrow will be chilly by comparison even without the wind. We saw several eagles and numerous loons during the day to round out hte scene.

As is always the case on a rapidly rising barometer fish were at best grumpy. We were able to make some take flies but saw many more swim up to inspect the fly and leave without biting. A blessing and a curse, a blessing to know that there were fish around and a curse to know that they did not take the fly. The fish watching was made possible by the clear water and brilliant sunshine. I am already looking forward to tomorrow and another great day on the water!

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