Natural Resource Network

Our weather continues to be amazing, we are just not having a winter. I thought this morning that it was cold until I looked at the thermometer and it showed that the temperature was 29 degrees. Pretty balmy for January to be sure with no snow anywhere.
I was driving to Augusta for a meeting (actually a day filled with meetings) just past the Medomak River I saw a bobcat cross the road in front of me. Pretty unusual to see one out and about especially in broad daylight.

The lobbyist season is off with a bang meetings, meetings, meetings. I almost feel like I am commuting to Augusta again. At this point I don’t see any major issues on the horizon for either group that I represent of course that can change in a minute. A variety of groups have gotten together to form the natural resources network as a way to coordinate efforts and get help form like minded groups when we need it. So far we are off to a great start but only time will tell how well it works or what level of support each group can expect from the organization. The good news is that it removes the element of surprise since we are discussing our common issues before they are bills being heard in front of a legislative committee.

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