New taxes coming for me?

I listened in to the Taxation Committee discussions on Monday and heard some pretty interesting discussions. Needless to say they are seriously talking about putting the sales tax on my services (along with many others) and increasing the percentage that I will pay on the meals I serve. I quickly did the math and realized that I am facing a cost increase of $30 per day. Not pleasant given that the major oil companies have also decided in the last month or so that they need a bigger piece of my operation as well. The sales tax is a dilemma I have always included the tax on meals in the price I charge and simply paid it at the end of the year but this larger amount is more than I can simply swallow and I need to tell clients in advance that the fee will be taxed at the end making my fee that much higher. I suppose that an argument could be made that the other taxes I pay will go down enough to offset the sales tax increase but I am not convinced that the savings are there.

I talked with another guide about the possibility yesterday and he almost immediately started laughing when he thought about some of our peers trying to fill out the paperwork or even trying to explain what they needed to do to comply. I must admit it will not be without challenges. One reason that I developed my guides seminar is to help guides understand that they are actually in business and that they have some real and serious expenses to take part in the business. I am constantly disappointed by the lack of respect that guides receive from others (prime example my bank) but given the lack of basic business skills or interest in the business aspect of what they do it is easy to see where it originates.

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