The ponds are fishing well too!

My son and one of his friends carried a canoe to one of my favorite bass ponds and had an excellent afternoon of fishing. The smallmouth bass are on the spawning beds this week and they caught by their own estimation “a bunch of fish” of course I am now striper fishing for a while and won’t have a day to get up there before next week. Interesting that the fly rod accounted for many more fish than a spinning rod, sometimes it just happens that way.

We have been feeding the birds this spring, no reason, we normally stop in mid April and just did not this year. We have enjoyed seeing a new variety of species in full breeding plumage outside of the window. Today we were surprised by a rose breasted grosbeak at the feeder. No they are not new and yes we have a bunch of them around but it was great to have a close up look at a male on the feeder. I also noticed this morning on my way back up the hill from fishing that the bobolinks have returned. We live near a couple of large dairy farms and the bobolinks are prevalent in the hayfields. I have never been able to understand how they can successfully raise young because it seems to me that the hay is cut before the young birds can possibly be hatched and flying. Obliviously I am needlessly concerned because we have them every summer.

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