Rain and more rain

The sound of rain pounding down woke me up early this morning. I had been planning to sleep past my regular 4:45 AM wake up call, but the sound of the rain brought me out of my slumber at the usual time. We have had some heavy showers this week including the one on Tuesday that brought the strong winds and some hail. The brook by the house is roaring this morning as it drains off all of the overnight rain.

I was on a pond Friday afternoon and saw where Tuesday’s storm had uprooted several trees along the shore and pushed them right back into the woods. There was also a pine, maybe 2 feet in diameter, simply broken off like a matchstick about 20 feet up. I was lucky to have gotten off of the water before the storm hit . I have not heard any stories of boats that had trouble but there must be some because the storm was so strong and sudden. Hopefully we will get past all of this unsettled weather and have a quiet rest of the summer.

I always look forward to the end of July because even though some of the hottest days are still ahead of us the water temperature will begin to drop making for better fishing. In another couple of weeks the days will get noticeably shorter and a 6AM start to a fishing trip won’t feel like I waited until mid day.

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