
Yesterday morning when I got up there was a strong smell of smoke in the air, when I went out to give the dogs their morning exercise it was stronger. We spent the day driving our youngest son to the University of Rhode Island to start his summer job and you could smell it to well south of Portland.

This morning it is thick in the air limiting visibility and you can certainly smell it. Where could it be coming from? At first I assumed that it was a neighbor burning brush but after I realized the area covered I knew it had to be something much bigger.

Come to find out the smoke is from forest fires in Quebec, actually north of the Saint Lawrence. Pretty amazing when you think about it, must be quite a fire. We are several hundred miles away and the smoke is visible in the air. Ten years ago I was in that country on a fishing trip and was amazed at the area a recent fire had consumed. There is so much country with few or no roads that when a fire gets started a rain storm is the only real hope for putting it out.

We could use some too to bring the water levels back to where they belong in early summer for freshwater fishing and canoe trips. There is a little rain in the forecast for tomorrow for us. Hope that Quebec gets some rain soon too!

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