Spring Soon!

This week’s project is a new roof on the front of the garage. It has been a great reminder that I am not as young as I used to be. I am sore from climbing ladders and stiff from handling bundles of shingles. When I am finished the roof should be good for another twenty years; of course it will be no fun at all when I am in my seventies!

Spending the days outside in the sun, wind and rain has been a great antidote to having spent too much time at my desk this winter. I am enjoying watching the seasons change right before my eyes. Of course when spring arrives on Friday the ground will still be very white but signs of the coming spring are everywhere.

This morning when I went out to get the newspaper I could hear water running in the ditch alongside of the road, still covered with a layer of snow and ice but unmistakably water was on the move. The brook alongside the house has lost most of its winter ice for a stretch and is running freely. This afternoon I was startled to hear a flock of geese fly overhead while I was working. I can’t imagine where they are finding enough to eat but they are the first ones.

The large flocks of siskins and redpolls at the birdfeeder have dwindled to only one or two and the feeder does not need to be filled every day with only a few chickadees visiting in the morning and evening. No doubt about it spring is on the way.

Most importantly open water fishing season starts two weeks from today. I don’t expect opening day to be any more than it usually is. Cold and damp with slow fishing, but it will be great to be back on the water again even for only a few minutes.

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