Thinking About The Customer Experience

As I sit on the deck and write this there are an even dozen bluebirds sitting on the power line in front of the house. I assume that they are flocking up getting ready to migrate. More bluebirds than I have ever seen at any one time in one place. Today is a gorgeous autumn day, puffy white clouds and a pleasant northwest breeze. The last week of the summer season was a gradual slowdown from what has been a very busy stretch. I had one day with three trips but others with one or two and a couple of days off on the Labor Day weekend due to last minute cancellations. September is usually a slower pace even though it has a good number of trips booked already. One thing I noticed this summer was that folks did not book trips much more than three weeks out. It is almost as though they do not know for sure that they are really going on vacation until it got pretty close. I had just as many last minute bookings as always, those the get here pick up a few brochures and then decide what they are going to do while they are here.

As the guiding schedule slows the meeting schedule picks up for me. I have a bunch in the next few weeks some in my lobbyist role representing the groups I work for and some for the volunteer boards I serve on. Last week I met with representatives from my bank to discuss my customer experience. My perspective is that the bank thought I was a questionable sort 25 years ago and had not changed that opinion. Even after having a business account for over 20 years, paying off several loans and filing a stack of business plans over the years. I am certainly not a close friend close to them. When I began to offer my seminars for other guides I began to think about the working relationships that my business has with other businesses and really appreciated those that were partners. From the other guides who refer me when their schedules are full, to the café that prepares the lunches I serve and all of the other vendors in between. Some of them recognize and appreciate our relationship and others barely recognize that it exists. I find my bank to be in the latter category hopefully they want to improve the relationship and we will begin to work together as I grow Maine Outdoors.

I strive to be sure that none of my clients feel that they are not just another face to me. I know that I am not perfect at providing the personal customer experience I think is a mark of excellence but I hear great comments from clients enough to know that I am on target most of the time. Of course it is in some ways easier for me because we are together for a period of time and sharing an experience that is unique. That is a good part of what I love about being a guide that each trip is different because the weather, wildlife and fish change. But also each party is unique some go crazy to see an eagle or a seal others are not much interested.

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