Turkey season starts tomorrow!

I have never been bitten really hard by the turkey hunting bug. But after lobbying all winter for the Maine Chapter National Wild Turkey Federation I am looking forward to the opening day of the spring hunt. This year the folks with odd year birthdays hunt the first week which has made me even more enthusiastic. I have gathered up all of my turkey hunting gear (decoys, calls and camouflage clothing) and plan to be out in the woodlot behind the house first thing in the morning. I don’t expect that I will be successful but am looking forward to getting out and seeing what happens. There will be barred owls for sure, the peepers have just gotten started and I’m sure there will bee a woodcock or two twittering up into the sky when I head out.

I am fortunate to live in the middle of excellent numbers of turkeys and see some almost every day. Today there has been a flock of birds in the pasture below the house all day in the rain. They are very visible from the road and with two toms in full strut most of the day they have drawn quite a bit of attention from the scouting hunters driving by. I expect that I will have more than a little company in the morning.

I spent part of the afternoon getting my strip built Grand Lake Canoe out of the rafters in the garage. It is a job that always seems like it should be more difficult than it is. Because the boat looks like a piece of fine furniture I always expect it to be heavier than it is. The lowering is pretty straightforward and went without a hitch after it is down and on sawhorses sliding it onto the trailer is not much of a trick at all. I even got out the outboard and clamped it onto the stern. I’ll test the motor this week and I should be all set for a morning of fishing on the fresh water. Of course then I will need to decide what I should do for fun, fish or turkey hunt? I have plenty to do to prepare for what looks to be a very busy summer so I will not have much free time.

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