A week in the North Woods

The leaves are mostly gone in Northern Maine and the woods have taken on that russet color of late fall. Yesterday the frost did not melt off until nearly noon and I saw some ice in a puddle that was still there in the shade at two in the afternoon. I spent last week at Libby Camps guiding grouse hunters. The week was a load of fun with some great folks, good dog work and of course interesting wildlife sightings.

Tuesday I saw my second fisher in a week, this one was very cooperative. When I first saw it I thought turkey, no it couldn’t be then I thought porcupine. When we got closer clearly a large male fisher. My second fisher sighting in less than a week. He was very cooperative letting us get pretty close while he stood in the road then slowly loping down the road for about a hundred yards while we watched. I also saw several moose no large bulls like last week but cows with calves. I also noticed more Canada Jays this fall than other years. They are always great to see and tame enough to steal pieces of sandwich while we eat lunch.

I spent a couple of hours fishing with clients and they were able to catch a nice trout. Beautiful in fall spawning colors it was a treat for the eyes and on the end of the line.

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