Wet weather

We are having a few showers this morning and I am waiting to hear if my morning family fishing trip is going to happen. We have been pretty lucky this summer with not a lot of rainy days as we move into autumn they get more common.

One change I have noticed over the years is that folks now consider rain to be something that completely cancels any outdoor plans. It did not used to be that way, I can still remember the grandfather who called one morning in the pouring rain and asked will you fish today? The golf course had been closed because of the weather and he figured that the fish were already wet so we should go. We did go and had a great but wet afternoon with his young granddaughter. Or the party from England on a canoe trip who showed up in the rain with umbrellas and when I asked if they wanted to postpone replied that it was hardly raining and besides they had umbrellas. Somewhere I have pictures of canoes sporting umbrellas paddling downriver.

These days folks cancel or postpone their plans when the forecast calls for showers even though the forecast is at best a guess. I'm not complaining; just observing that we have all changed over the last twenty five years and are a little less prepared for and tolerant of inclement weather.

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