Winter Returns

Just when we were all making plans for spring, had put away the winter boots and were watching the ice go. We get another dose of winter. When I got up- this morning we had around 10 inches of snow on the ground and it was snowing so hard that one of the dogs would not go out. Now a few hours later we have well over a foot of new snow on the ground and it is still snowing. So much for winter being over! At least it is not terribly cold the temperature has remained around 30 for several days and it is still there.

I got these pictures of woodcock from Mike Jurgiewich a forester with Wagner Timberlands in northern Maine . (the worm in the bill in hte last shot is amazing) Over the last several years Mike has gotten some great shots of Maine wildlife by simply keeping a camera in his truck and taking the time to get the shots. I keep a camera with me but never seem to get the great shot. I think because I don’t take the time to look for the opportunity and take it. I hope that these little fellows are making out in all of this new snow.

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