Workforce Development?

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The Maine Legislature has a committee to review workforce development this spring. A laudable goal but one that completely misses the mark. Here is a news flash there are no big businesses dying to come here and employ hundreds of our workers. To compete for those will take tax incentives and spending we simply can’t afford. How about supporting the small independent businesses that are our current reality and best hope for the future? Farmers, artists, programmers, wood cutters, café and shop owners even guides.

If you travel from the end of my small dirt road (admittedly a rural setting but representative of a good part of our state) and drive to the highway a little over two miles away counting occupations a stunning fact rises; the majority of folks either own a small business or work for themselves.  My proposal is simply that we put something in place that supports, trains and helps those folks that they will use. Maybe even a section in the school curriculum on small business basics to work toward the future. No more chasing rainbows that someone else will bring. Rather helping and growing what we already have.

How about some training in best practices, computer literacy, time management, marketing and similar that will actually improve micro business success and in turn our economy.  Our current efforts in these areas are pathetic. May I suggest that we stop hoping to be saved by a briefcase from some other part of the world and support what we already have?

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Right on the mark Don. We chase the end of the rainbow, and don't seem to notice it's raining on the poor people of Maine.

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