Birthday Fun

As luck would have it my birthday falls in the middle of the busiest part of my summer season. Most years I spend the day guiding and hope to get out to supper in the evening. This year was no different I spent the day guiding and here is the report.

Started early on the saltwater but after an hour or so it was clear to me that the stripers were not going to be cooperating so we switched to the freshwater. Fishing there was slow at the start too! I have seen that before whatever environmental conditions are keeping fish from feeding are the same on both fresh and saltwater.

After a time the fish started to take the flies my clients presented. We were rewarded with this nice bass on a streamer (my own pattern Thank you AJ!) and several others. Great fishing like I know is possible on this pond some nice fish to the boat and a delightful lunch on a nearby island.

All in all the perfect way to spend the big day.

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