Getting there!

Yesterday we had enough snow to cover the ground. Sort of discouraging but spring is always a one step forward two steps back affair in Maine. Today and the rest of the week will make up for it by being sunny and seasonably warm. Not summer mind you but warmer than yesterday. To mark the snowstorm I did a little fly fishing for trout and managed to land a couple of brook trout.

Things are getting into shape for the coming season; my multiple fly boxes and tackle boxes have been cleaned out and reorganized. A state of being that lasts a couple of weeks at the most. The boats are now ready to go with everything I need to keep you fishing handy. I have started to get out and fish on each of the ponds where I will spend the coming months to make sure that I am aware of things that have changed.

Fishing is always slow early in the season but a few fish are always are willing to play. From here on things only get better and like other years the next thing I know it will be fall.

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