Getting caught up again

I have had two days off this weekend partly due to the lousy weather and partly an intentional break. I have had a chance to clear my desk of the normal pile of incoming mail and other accumulated items that I need to deal with. It is great to see the top of my desk again.

I bought a new Dell computer after six years with this one and also purchased the PC Mover software that they sell as an easy way to transfer everything from the old machine to the new machine. What a huge mistake, after several tries it has managed to tie Windows in a knot and none of the programs that I use every day will run even after installing them from the original CD’s. Customer service in non existent for the software and Dell was not much better. I did finally get a technician who offered to send me a CD to re image the machine so that I can start over fresh. Needless to say I will simply reinstall everything the old hard way and not waste any more time with PC Mover. The worst part is that I bought the new machine because the old one was on the fritz and now I am stuck for a couple more weeks on the old one after having wasted six or seven hours that I did not have on getting the one running. I suppose that the real solution is to simply box up the mess and return it to Dell. I’ll give them another week to help me get it all straightened out.

The weather has taken a distinct turn toward fall and the trees have started to turn. In fact on Friday afternoon I kept taking my glasses off to see if the trees had started to change or if it was the lens color that was making it look like fall. We have dense fog this morning the first in while the remnants of tropical storm Ernesto.

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