Suddenly in a hurry

I always forget that spring comes in a rush in Northern New England. Seems like only a few days ago there were snow flurries and now there is green grass, daffodils and crocuses. Of course there is still the chance of a little snow but it gets less every day and the ground is getting so warm that it should not amount to much.

One rainy evening last week the frogs and salamanders were on the move heading to the vernal pools that they use to start the next generation. There are grouse drumming and turkeys gobbling all around the house. Mae the pointer is delighted to have a woodcock nesting out back. She has a good hard point on the bird every time I let here out of the kennel. Which can be a problem in the dark! We drove by a pond the other day and there were several ringneck ducks floating near the road. The males were in perfect plumage and looked more like a painting than actual live birds.

Maine Outdoors begins to go faster as spring arrives as well, the measured pace of lobbying gives way to a frantic period of getting out boats, equipment and repairing everything that was broken or worn at the end of last season. Because I change activities pretty quickly in the fall going from fishing and canoe trips to upland hunting followed by duck hunting. Everything is brought out in quick succession in the fall and things are put away in a hurry to make room for the next activity.

Of course reservations for the coming season are also beginning to come more frequently now as well since vacation plans are now being finalized. So the office work gets busier as well. This in not complaining it is all great stuff but it definitely marks a change in the seasons. I heard yesterday that a few stripers are showing up in the southern Maine rivers, it won’t be long now!

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