Warm dry spring weather!

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This week has been marked by a rapid transition to spring in all of it’s glory. Warm days with little wind and clear blue skies. Our crocuses and daffodils came into bloom this week and the grass is looking green. The birds have gone into full spring mode as rapidly. This week I noted the first bluebird song, turkeys gobbling every morning and the grouse in the woodlot drumming.

Most notable was the grouse who I heard drumming on one of the clear almost full moon mornings at 2AM. It must make for a long day to perch on that stone wall and flap his wings to make the drumming sound 24 hours a day. I must admit that having that grouse around has been a great treat. I always have at least one bird for a dog to work, we saw him rocket out of the snow last winter and I had a client last summer who had never seen a grouse. Of course a wild bird is never totally dependable but still it is great to have one a good part of the time.

The coming week is forecast to be warm and dry as well. Our snow is almost completely gone (I noticed that a few shady spots in the woods still have some) and the river has started to drop down into its banks. With any luck the pattern will continue and the birds will all have an excellent breeding season. It seems like it has been quite a while since they have had a warm dry spring to make rearing young easy.

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