Siskins by the bunch!

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For the first time in several years we have Pine Siskins at the bird feeder this winter. They arrive as a flock and dominate the feeder. They keep the goldfinches and chickadees at bay until they leave and have eaten most of the sunflower seeds. So far this winter we have not had any unusual visitors.

The huge flock of turkeys that winters in the neighborhood has even been scarce since before Christmas. For a couple of weeks they had been here every morning and afternoon. I imagine that they are roosting further down the hill and their daily travels have not brought them up this way.

I have also noticed a lot more Pileated Woodpeckers this winter. I have seen them crossing the road frequently while driving and a number of times while walking in the woods. For those of you that don’t know them they are a large woodpecker (almost the size of a crow) black and white with a bright red crest. Their undulating flight pattern that makes them pretty easy to spot even at a long distance. Like eagles they are a treat to spot with a beginning birdwatcher, large enough to see easily and unusual enough for the beginner to feel like they have done something special.

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