Back to Snowy Normal

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After a week of temperatures that were very cold, as low as ten below zero at night and up to the low single numbers during the day. A snowstorm yesterday and last night left us with another sixteen inches of fresh snow. Today we are back to more seasonable temperatures with highs in the twenties and plenty of sunshine. The forecast for the coming week has settled weather with sun and normal temperatures which feel like spring after last week. Argy and I took some time this afternoon to snowshoe and ski to enjoy the pleasant weather and fresh powder.


We have more birds than I can remember at the feeder this winter including a pair of cardinals, a first for us. I have seen them around for the last few winters and heard the male singing in the late winter but we had not had them at the feeder until this winter. I have noticed that they arrive at the feeder a first light well before even the chickadees. Because they are a much more southern species their presence can be directly connected to the presence of bird feeders like ours, and perhaps climate change that allows them to expand northward.

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