You can feel that winter won’t last now!

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Today was the day that you could feel the weather turn a corner. The days are already an hour longer and in fact I took a walk in the evening light after finishing for the day. I always say that January 21st is the day that we turn the corner and in fact I heard a chickadee sing that morning. But this year the change was obvious a week later on the 29th.

After the snowstorm yesterday things have changed. We got about a foot of new snow and some rain right at the end of the storm.  We now have maybe tow and a half feet on the level total. When I shoveled a path in back of the house where the wind does not drift the snow it was waist deep. The rain made enough of a crust on the snow to support an English Pointer but not a Golden Retriever and certainly not an old guide!

I spent considerable time this afternoon getting everything shoveled out, doing a few outside chores and enjoying the relative warmth, calm winds and sunshine. Who knew that 30 degrees would feel so good?

View from Maine Outdoors looking out toward Pleasant Mountain

I am certain that we will have more cold, snow and certainly strong wind. But like you can feel the summer start to go in late July. Winter has started to head for the door and spring fishing is not far off! I better get my equipment cleaned up and ready for action.

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