Day off!

I had today off after a stretch of guiding at Libby Camps up north, fishing trips locally and a couple days of meetings. Meetings will be a big part of my life now that I have started as the executive Director for the Maine Professional Guides Association but that is another story.

The weather was perfect for late October today. Warm and sunny with only a little wind. In the morning I took both English Pointers Mae and Copper on a woodcock hunt. I wanted to see if I could get some of Mae’s desire to rub off on Copper and some of Copper’s nice close work to rub off on Mae. Seemed like a good idea at the time. What actually happened was that both dogs wound up on point on different birds and the first time not close to each other. It was a pretty frantic couple of hours but lots of fun. The fall woodcock migration is in full swing needless to say.

After lunch I took advantage of the warmth and put on my chest waders to spend a little time trout fishing in the Saint George River here in Union. The fishing was great the catching not so. There were a few rising fish but not many and I simply have never had the patience to be a good trout fisherman.

I arrived home late in the afternoon relaxed and looking forward to guiding grouse hunters for the next few days. Let’s hope that the weather holds!

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