Fall always goes to the dogs

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Fall and specifically October is the season I work with the dogs. They enjoy the work and even when tired are eager to get back into their boxes and head out each morning. When we are at Libby Camps they spend the night in the boxes as well. But for them the best part is working every day.

Each dog has a very different personality and style. Two are English Pointers that find and point birds but even between the two of them there are differences. Mae is the old pro, she runs as far out as I will let her but regularly check back to be sure that I am around. Mae is pretty Maebold and very fast; if she wanted to get away she would be in the next county before you knew she was gone. She is an excellent grouse and woodcock dog and really all I need to do is walk along with my clients and wait for her beeper collar to beep telling us that she has found a bird. Copper my other pointer is close working and much more deliberate. She wants to please and at times is almost to close working but it is a pleasure to almost always see the dog and watch her work. She is young and still learning the grouse and woodcock game but getting better every day. This season has been great fun with her as all of the pieces of her job are coming together nicely. She has a great nose and I am still getting used to a bird being pretty far away when she stops on point.

Woody is the Golden retriever that almost everyone loves (and being a Golden he loves them). As with almost every golden I have ever owned he wants to please and will do whatever it takes to make you happy. The only flushing dog, the best at finding a down bird and of course the best retriever.

As the season tapers and I am working on other things all three sit in their kennel’s and look longingly at their boxes in the Yukon wishing for another day of work. I plan to spend some time out with them until the snow flies.

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