
Fall is all but over and winter will be here soon with a blanket of snow and cold to match. Thankful for another great season of guiding, I have been working on firewood this week and thinking about the seasons here at Maine Outdoors. Many clients ask about what I do during the winter. Here is the seasonal rhythm of my year.

From November to April it is what I call “meeting season” where my role as the Executive Director of the Maine Professional Guides Association has me in one meeting or another at least three days a week. A few snowshoe trips are always a welcome relief from all of those meetings and working at my desk. When the weather is suitable I spend time out snowshoeing or just walking with the dogs. Argy and I walk at least 45 minutes every day.

Sometime in late April I will guide my first fishing trip. In spring there are fishing trips with folks who want to be here for the best fishing of the year. They are serious anglers willing to put up with unpredictable weather for some of the best fishing of the year.

By mid June a transition to vacationing families begins, these are less serious anglers more interested in just getting out and enjoying the scenery. Many are beginners enjoying their first experience. Sometime around the Fourth of July I will have my first Nature Exploration trip with a family, the first family fishing trip is usually about this time.

July and August are busy months with usually two and sometimes three trips every day. The variety is always interesting fresh and saltwater fishing, boat trips, nature exploration trips and sometimes a custom adventure mixed in. Kids return to school starting in the middle of August and the Nature Exploration trips slowly diminish and end by Labor Day.

September is filled with fishing trips, and a few custom adventures it is also the month when I am supposed to put my firewood in. In the last few years firewood has had to wait until November or even December because the schedule simply does not allow time to get it all done. I am working with the dogs to get them and me ready for October. About half of my October is spent guiding at Libby Camps for grouse and woodcock hunters. The rest of the time is spent fishing in the beautiful weather and scenery.

Late October has me gradually transitioning into meeting season again, although a few hunters and anglers keep me outdoors until after Thanksgiving. Just like the weather my business has seasons and the variety keeps it interesting!

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