Happy Camping??

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Recently I attended a small business event and had the chance to meet in person someone that I had been talking with online casually for over a year. Her parting remark to me was happy camping. I realized that even after interacting on social media, reading my blog and looking at my web site she assumed that I was all about camping. Not at all the case. There was a time when extended camping trips were a large part of my summer season but that was twenty years ago now.

I do a few custom adventures each year that involve extended trips usually at a sporting camp with hot and cold running water, showers and sit down meals. Hardly camping.

So the problem is simply how to explain what I offer in terms that find a real connection to folks. This may be part of the reason why Eco tourism has not delivered. Explaining what it really means in terms that folks understand and connect to. I offer short comfortable trips outdoors with someone who can safely get you there and back while offering insight into what you are seeing and teach you about the doing.

I am involved with a couple of recent web site redesigns and when I mention this problem as a failure of databases the IT folks look at me like I am from Mars. Clearly they do not understand the problem anymore than I do.
How do you explain it?

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