Painless upgrades

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One of Maine Outdoors business strategies is to keep current with computers, software and electronic communication. Over the years this effort has sometimes been very painful. Installing new software has been a huge challenge more than once. The best story is this from the winter of 2008.

Recently even upgrading my handheld GPS unit proved to be a multi-day customer service event (finial got it though).

So when I decided to upgrade my office suite and bookkeeping software this fall it was with some trepidation. I expected a long drawn out process taking time I did not have; misplaced fear as it turns out. I upgraded my version of QuickBooks to the latest and greatest in less than half an hour without an issue, encouraged I loaded in Microsoft Office 2010 and upgraded without a hitch. Even kept most of my settings in the new version although the Microsoft Small Business Contact Manager still does not work for me. Everything else is flawless! Thank you software writers for making staying current almost painless at last.

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