Spring snow

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I take a first aid and CPR course every other year so that I am always certified part of my commitment to provide safe trips for clients. My final class for this year was last evening. When I left the house it was snowing but not amounting to much, the roads on the way in were just wet. As the evening went by we could see out the windows that the snow was starting to really come down and it has been a long time since I had to drive home in a near white out! About three inches on the ground and snowing very hard, the great big flakes were piling up fast. Needless to say I was glad to be home by the wood stove at the end of it.

This morning we woke to six inches or so of new snow; on the third day of spring. I guess that I need to put off my dreams of launching the Lund Alaskan for a few more weeks. Spring is not really here yet. I hope that the woodcock I saw last week are somewhere out of the snow and can find a few worms to carry them through until warmer weather returns!

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