Hiring a guide for my own vacation

Argy and I are just back from a few days in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. We rented a cottage on the beach and had a nice visit with warmer weather. I hired a guide to fish in the bay and see how a similar business runs.

I found Rock On Charters on the internet and made a reservation with Captain Marc Kerns who made a point of telling me that it was very early in the season and not to expect much for fish. Not a problem for me as what I really wanted was to spend some time on the water and see the country from that angle.

We met in the morning and he drove us to a boat launch that I would have had trouble finding on my own. As we left the creek where the launch was it was clear that it would be very windy, actually the bay was pretty rough. We crossed the bay and went up into a creek on the far shore where we fished for a good part of the morning with no luck. We came back out into the bay and fished for croaker. Marc actually caught a couple on shrimp but no luck for me.Marc and Don in NC

Marc dropped me at our cottage in time for lunch fishless but having had a great time. I saw the bay and enjoyed talking with another professional about our businesses. What did I learn, first that I am spoiled by the variety of opportunities that I have to provide clients. I have both fresh and saltwater at my fingertips and can easily adapt to weather and fishing conditions using that variety. Second we are fortunate that it is possible to spend a day on the water here without seeing another boat; that is not possible there even during the off season. I must admit that we cannot come close to the variety of saltwater fish that they have available. Finally I am fortunate because even in our busiest season we simply do not get anywhere near the influx of people that they do, it must be quite crowded in the summer. Being away from the crowds is what Maine Outdoors is all about.

I enjoyed the day on the water and if you visit Kitty Hawk make a date to fish with Marc.

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