The best part?

Last week when fishing with someone new I was asked “so what is the best part of being a guide?” a different perspective from the usual tell me the bad parts question I usually get. I quickly responded that I really appreciate seeing the place that I live and work through the eyes of visitors who are seeing it for the first time or are here because they love it. Immediately I changed my response to getting to help kids and beginners start out on what I hope will be a lifelong love of the outdoors.  

It really is a privilege to be the one who introduces so many to activities and places that they only dreamed about doing or being. Seeing their appreciation for a new place or skill is without a doubt the most rewarding part of being a guide. Yes to be sure clients catch a few fish and some big ones but the real joy comes from lighting that fire that we both hope will last a lifetime.

Thank you all for allowing me that privilege!

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